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인도 요가/ 티벳 명상센터 정보 1.인도 요가 여성 프로그램 West Fort, Pazhavangadi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695023, India PHONE +91 471 245 0942 WEB Visit website Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers and Ashrams were founded in 1959 by Swami Vishnudevananda, another disciple of Swami Sivananda Saraswati. Teachings are based on the five points of yoga—postures, breathing, relaxation, meditation, and diet. The ashrams offer drop-in classes, a.. 2019. 7. 29.
2019 공연정보 아지깡 도쿄 아닌 락페 http://www.monsterbash.jp/tickets.html 키린지 슬로라이브 8월 30일 https://ticket.rakuten.co.jp/music/fes/RTHFSLH/ https://hibikihajime.com/information/21623/ 히사이시조 팬캅 2019. 7. 24.
자연농 농부철학자 피에르라비 https://brunch.co.kr/@ddamimovie/70 자연농 관련 자료들 http://www.finalstraw.org/ko/link/ 홍성자연재배협동조합 아카메 자연농 학교 아이치 예술대학 세토우치 국제 예술제 2019. 7. 12.
라탄 수업 https://pixelsandfibre.com/travels/thailand/ https://theculturetrip.com/asia/thailand/articles/the-best-arts-and-crafts-stores-in-chiang-mai-thailand/ 메일 문의함 http://www.handicrafttourism.com/en/bamboo-weavings/ 뱀부 웨이빙 - 메일 문의함 인디고 염색 https://www.backstreetacademy.com/chiang-mai/1857/indigo-tie-dye-workshop 평생학습관 영어로 수업하 https://inter.payap.ac.th/life-long-learning/ 2019. 6. 26.
eco book/street art 2019. 6. 25.
tcdc-upcycle 2019. 6. 25.