The Kora is found in all Mande cultures.
It is played by the Mandinka in Gambia, Senegal and Guinea Bissau,
the Malinke or Maninka in Guinée,
the Bambara or Bamana in Mali
and the Dioula in Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
Though, it's Gambia and Casamance (South Senegal)
where it has the greatest importance for social life.
musical styles
Some of the traditional pieces are widespread throughout the Manding culture (e.g. Allah L'a Ke, Lambang),
others are typical of one of the three major cultures or styles, which can be characterized as follows:
Mandinka / Tiliji - in the west (Gambia, Senegal) 만딘카 / 틸리지 - 서쪽 (감비아, 세네갈)
with fast tempos - "hot"; 빠른 템포로 - "핫";
very rhythmic; 매우 리드미컬합니다;
more modern repertoire with pieces composed for the kora; 코라를 위해 작곡된 곡들 보다 더 현대적인 레퍼토리;
Preference for major mode (I - V harmonies); 주요 모드 선호(I - V 하모니);
standardized improvisation and solo phrases 정형화된 즉흥구와 독창구
typical pieces: Kelefaba, N Teri Jato
Kaabu - in Casamance and Guinea Bissau 카아부 - 카사망스와 기니비사우에서
"earthy", rolling 12/8 grooves; "거칠다? 지구적인?", 롤링 12/8 홈;
influenced by the balafon music of the neighboring Balanta; 이웃 나라 발란타의 발라폰 음악에 영향을 받고;
Using Kora with additional bass strings; 추가 베이스 스트링과 함께 코라 사용;
unusual Phrygian and Mixolydian harmonies (III - IV - V); 특이한 프리기아인과 믹솔리디아인의 조화 (III - IV - V);
frequent use of triadic chords (thirds, triads); 삼음화음(3분의 1, 3분의 1)의 빈번한 사용;
special repertoire
typical pieces: Yeyengo, Mama Maning
Mali / Tilibo - in the east and south (East Gambia, Mali and Guinée) 말리 / 틸리보 - 동쪽과 남쪽 (동감비아, 말리, 기니)
with slow tempos - "laid back"; 느린 템포로 - "레이백"
preference for Lydian and minor modes (I - VI - II - III); 라이디안 및 마이너 모드 선호(I - VI - II - III);
virtuoso ornamental phrases influenced by Ngoni melodic lines; 응고니 선율의 영향을 받은 비르투오소 장식구;
traditional, "classical" repertoire composed for the older instruments balo (balafon) and ngoni (konting). 전통적인 "classical" 레퍼토리는 오래된 악기인 발로(발라폰)와 응고니(콘팅)를 위해 작곡되었습니다.
It is difficult to differentiate between the styles because the transitions are fluid.
The large griot families such as the Kouyaté, Diabaté, Cissokho, Dramé, Galissa are spread across the entire Manding culture
and the musicians travel a lot and influence each other.
All Griot endemic - Ké (man) and Muso (woman/s, Muslim) marry e.g. Ké Kouyaté «» Muso Cissokho.
Ké play the kora and muso the singing that Donkilo, Sataro and Newo (Carignan, iron tub. Rohr) beat.
국가별 차이 by Chat GPT
The kora is a traditional West African stringed instrument that has a rich and diverse musical tradition across the region. Its music varies significantly depending on the cultural, historical, and geographical contexts of different areas. Here are the regional differences in kora music, focusing on some of the most prominent kora-playing cultures in West Africa:
코라는 그 지역에 걸쳐 풍부하고 다양한 음악적 전통을 가지고 있는 서아프리카의 전통 현악기입니다. 그것의 음악은 다른 지역의 문화적, 역사적, 지리적 맥락에 따라 크게 다릅니다. 서아프리카의 가장 중요한 코라 연주 문화들 중 일부에 초점을 맞춘 코라 음악의 지역적인 차이는 다음과 같습니다:
### **1. Mali**
**Cultural Context:**
- Mali is often considered the heartland of kora music, with the Mande (Mandinka) people being among its most prominent practitioners. The griots (jali or jeli), who are traditional storytellers, musicians, and historians, play a central role in Malian society.
**Musical Characteristics:**
- **Style and Technique:** Malian kora music often features complex, intricate playing techniques and highly developed improvisational skills. The music is characterized by polyrhythms and interlocking melodic patterns. 말리는 가장 유명한 수행자들 중 한 명인 만데(만딘카) 사람들과 함께 종종 코라 음악의 중심지로 여겨집니다. 전통적인 이야기꾼, 음악가, 역사가인 그리오트(잘리 또는 젤리)는 말리 사회에서 중심적인 역할을 합니다.
- **Repertoire:** The repertoire includes epic historical narratives, praise songs for patrons, and pieces that reflect social and moral themes. 레퍼토리에는 서사적인 역사적 서사, 후원자를 위한 찬양곡, 사회적, 도덕적 주제가 반영된 작품 등이 있습니다.
- **Famous Artists:** Notable kora players from Mali include Toumani Diabaté, who is renowned for his virtuosic playing and innovative collaborations with artists from various genres.
### **2. Senegal and The Gambia**
**Cultural Context:**
- In Senegal and The Gambia, the kora is also central to the musical traditions of the Mandinka people. The griots, or **griots**, are key figures in preserving and performing kora music in this region.
**Musical Characteristics:**
- **Style and Technique:** Kora music in Senegal and The Gambia often emphasizes melodic and harmonic richness. The playing style is usually more lyrical and flowing compared to the more rhythmically complex Malian style. 세네갈과 감비아의 코라 음악은 종종 멜로디컬하고 화성적인 풍부함을 강조합니다. 연주 스타일은 더 리드미컬하게 복잡한 말리 스타일에 비해 보통 더 서정적이고 흘러갑니다.
- **Repertoire:** The repertoire includes traditional songs, stories of ancestral heroes, and praise songs. There is a strong emphasis on maintaining oral history and genealogy. 레퍼토리에는 전통가곡, 조상 영웅담, 찬송 등이 포함되어 있습니다. 구전 역사와 계보 유지에 대한 강조가 강합니다.
- **Famous Artists:** Renowned kora players from this region include Amadou Bansang Jobarteh and his grandson, the internationally acclaimed Toumani Diabaté, who hails from a lineage of celebrated kora musicians.
### **3. Guinea**
**Cultural Context:**
- In Guinea, the kora is played primarily by the Mandinka people and other related ethnic groups. The griots, known as **jeli** or **djeli**, continue the tradition of kora playing.
**Musical Characteristics:**
- **Style and Technique:** Guinean kora music tends to blend elements from various Mande musical traditions. The playing style can be highly rhythmic and dynamic, often incorporating influences from the rich musical diversity of Guinea. 기니 코라 음악은 다양한 만드 음악 전통의 요소들을 혼합하는 경향이 있습니다. 연주 스타일은 매우 리드미컬하고 역동적일 수 있으며, 종종 기니의 풍부한 음악적 다양성의 영향을 통합합니다.
- **Repertoire:** The repertoire is similar to that of Mali and Senegal, featuring historical epics, praise songs, and social commentary. 레퍼토리는 말리와 세네갈의 레퍼토리와 유사하며 역사 서사시, 찬양가, 사회적 해설 등이 특징입니다.
- **Famous Artists:** One notable kora player from Guinea is Djeli Moussa Diawara, who has contributed significantly to the global recognition of the kora.
### **4. Ivory Coast**
**Cultural Context:**
- The kora is also present in Ivory Coast, where it is played by the Mandinka and related groups. The griots, known locally as **djeli** or **djeliw**, uphold the musical and storytelling traditions.
**Musical Characteristics:**
- **Style and Technique:** Kora music in Ivory Coast may incorporate more local musical elements, leading to variations in style and technique. The playing style can be both rhythmic and melodic, reflecting the diverse cultural influences in the region. 코트디부아르의 코라 음악은 더 많은 지역 음악적 요소들을 포함하여 스타일과 기술에 있어서 변화를 이끌 수 있습니다. 그 지역의 다양한 문화적 영향을 반영하면서, 연주 스타일은 리드미컬하고 멜로디컬할 수 있습니다.
- **Repertoire:** The repertoire includes traditional pieces, historical narratives, and songs that address contemporary issues. 레퍼토리에는 현대 문제를 다루는 전통적인 작품, 역사적 이야기, 노래가 포함됩니다.
- **Famous Artists:** Artists like Ballaké Sissoko have roots in Ivory Coast and have helped bring Ivorian kora music to international audiences. Seydou Diabaté (Kanazoe): Another prominent kora player who hails from Ivory Coast, Seydou Diabaté, also known as Kanazoe, is celebrated for his skill and innovative approach to the instrument. He blends traditional kora music with contemporary influences, creating a unique sound.
### **5. Casamance (Southern Senegal)**
**Cultural Context:**
- The Casamance region, located in southern Senegal, has a distinct cultural identity influenced by various ethnic groups, including the Mandinka. The kora plays an important role in the musical traditions of this area.
**Musical Characteristics:**
- **Style and Technique:** Kora music from Casamance often features a blend of traditional Mandinka styles with local musical influences. The playing style can be highly rhythmic and incorporates unique regional characteristics. 까사망스의 코라 음악은 종종 지역 음악적인 영향과 전통적인 만딘카 스타일의 혼합을 특징으로 합니다. 연주 스타일은 매우 리드미컬할 수 있고 독특한 지역적인 특징을 포함합니다.
- **Repertoire:** The repertoire includes a mix of traditional Mandinka pieces and local songs that reflect the cultural diversity of the region.
- **Famous Artists:** Musicians from Casamance, such as Ablaye Cissoko, have gained recognition for their unique contributions to kora music.
##Burkina Faso###
- Ethnic Groups: In Burkina Faso, the kora is predominantly played by the Mandinka, Malinké, and Dyula peoples. These groups share cultural and historical connections with the Mande-speaking populations in neighboring countries like Mali and Ivory Coast.
- Griots: Similar to other West African countries, Burkina Faso has a tradition of griots (known locally as jeli or djeli). These individuals are the custodians of oral history, music, and storytelling, and they play a crucial role in preserving and transmitting cultural traditions through the kora.
- Style and Technique: Kora music in Burkina Faso incorporates traditional Mande styles but can also reflect local musical influences. The playing style often involves intricate fingerpicking and complex rhythms, creating rich, melodic textures.
- Repertoire: The repertoire of kora music includes epic narratives, praise songs, and pieces that address social and moral themes. The music serves to entertain, educate, and preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the community.
- **Famous Artists:** Seydou Diabaté (Kanazoé): Seydou Diabaté, also known as Kanazoé, is a renowned kora player from Burkina Faso. He is known for his virtuosic skill and innovative approach to the kora, blending traditional music with contemporary influences. His work has contributed significantly to the global recognition of kora music from Burkina Faso.
### **Conclusion**
Kora music in West Africa is richly diverse, with each region contributing its unique styles, techniques, and repertoires to the tradition. From the intricate and improvisational styles of Mali to the melodic and lyrical music of Senegal and The Gambia, and the dynamic blends in Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Casamance, the kora continues to be a vital and evolving part of West African culture. This regional diversity not only showcases the adaptability and richness of the kora tradition but also highlights the deep cultural connections and variations within the Mande-speaking world. 서아프리카의 코라 음악은 매우 다양하고, 각 지역이 그것의 독특한 양식, 기술, 그리고 레퍼토리를 그 전통에 기여합니다. 복잡하고 즉흥적인 말리의 양식부터 세네갈과 감비아의 멜로디컬하고 서정적인 음악, 그리고 기니, 코트디부아르, 그리고 카사망스의 역동적인 혼합에 이르기까지, 코라는 서아프리카 문화의 중요하고 진화하는 부분입니다. 이 지역적인 다양성은 코라 전통의 적응력과 풍부함을 보여줄 뿐만 아니라, 만데어권 내의 깊은 문화적인 연관성과 다양성을 강조합니다.
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